there ain’t no place where you can’t fly… this looks like a very unfriendly place in a “Lord of the Rings” scenery. But some dudes thought that this is a coooooool place to fly – and did it in Umskaret (Norway, 66 degrees North)! They get all my respect – and hopefully some warm clothes.
Some other dudes found another desert to fly – just about estimated 50 degrees celsius warmer than in Umskaret. The fun is the same, the tan slightly different (even though, if you look closely, in both videos their noses are red…).
Surely, JBs video is again setting the quality standard. Typical JB storytelling, great quality of the shots, fantastic skills – the downside of it is that by making it a commercial, it becomes boring for the paragliders. In any case, JB is a great ambassador for our wonderful sport!
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